Fourteen years is a long time for any relationship, especially these days.
It was fourteen and half years ago that I walked into the animal shelter in Liberty, Missouri, and discovered "Harry" as the attendant called him. He was sitting quietly next to a large, barking Saint Bernard, looking up at me with those large brown eyes. That is all it took really! I would soon to find out what a gem he really was, sense of humor and all. And, I quickly named him - Duncan.

Duncan has been a loyal friend. He accompanied me on countless road trips, through five moves, two jobs and a wedding. He welcomed John with open paws and I am not sure if either of them was ever the same after that. He was an easy keeper. I actually had friends asking to take care of him when I went out of town. For the most part, he got along great with other dogs. He event tolerated the new "pup" we adopted and began showing her the ropes. Two new cats a few months ago were also welcomed, eventually.

He added so much joy to our lives every day. I know many people will say that dogs cannot process emotions, but I think Duncan was different. He had a very BIG heart! He quickly worked his way into the hearts of everyone he met — even strangers. He never met a pretty lady he did not like. With a brisk wag of his tail and a spring in his step, he would let you know that he wanted to get to know you better.

Yesterday, we had to say 'goodbye' to my dear ol' friend. John and I spent much of the day remembering some of the best moments we shared with him. Trying to reassure ourselves that we gave him a good life. And I think we did, but now there is a void where he use to be. Not the kind of void that can ever be filled, but one that we know we will never experience again in the same way. He was one of a kind!